Jornadas COVID-19 en Medicina Interna
24 y 25 de Septiembre del 2021 – Modalidad Virtual
Prof. Dra. Marta de Andrés Crespo
Division of Medical Sciences, University of Oxford,.
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
Prof. Dr. Juan José Badimon
Professor of Medicine and Director of the
Atherothrombosis Research Unit at the Cardiovascular Institute,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York – USA
Prof. John Fraser
Critical Care Research Group l The Prince Charles Hospital
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Chermside – Australia
Prof. Dr. Salvatore Mangione
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care
Director Physical Diagnosis
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia – USA
Prof. Dr. Michael Niederman
Associate Division Chief
Clinical Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care
New York Presbyterian/ Weill Cornell Medical Center
Professor of Clinical Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College – New York – USA
Prof. Dr. Julio A. Ramirez
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
MedCenter One Louisville – USA
Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Rocca
Surgical Director, Kidney Transplantation,
Director, Living Donor Program and Associate Professor
at Montefiore-Einstein. New York – USA
Prof. Dr. Antoni Torres
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonology)
Senior Consultant of the Respiratory and Intensive Care Unit
University of Barcelona
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona – España
En reemplazo de la edición prevista del 18° Congreso Internacional de Medicina Interna del Hospital de Clínicas, se realizarán las Jornadas Covid-19 en Medicina Interna en las que se abordarán las actualizaciones y experiencias asistenciales de cada ámbito de la Medicina Interna y sus especialidades, así como las implicancias sociales y de salud pública que la pandemia impone.